Getting Started With Eclipse Che, OpenShift, FuelPHP
Eclipse Che is a developer workspace server and cloud IDE. You install, run, and manage Eclipse Che with with different container orchestration engine such as Docker or OpenShift.
Eclipse Che is available in two different modes:
- Single-user: perfectly suited for personal desktop environment.
- Multi-user: best for organization and developer teams.
If you want to learn more about the differences between single-user and multi-user, please read this page
Che supports different flavors of OpenShift:
- OpenShift Container Platform (OCP): OpenShift on-premise, that you can install in your Data Center.
- OpenShift Online (OSO): On-Demand OpenShift hosted on public cloud and managed by Red Hat.
- OpenShift Dedicated (OSD): Enterprise public cloud with your own OpenShift cluster managed by Red Hat.
- MiniShift: OpenShift running on your local environment.
If you want to try Che on OpenShift, we recommend you to do it with MiniShift and use the MiniShift add-on for Che.
1) Goto Che Website
If you haven’t got any acount, click the “Create a free account” button.
2) Go to Che Dashboard
If you have already got an OpenShift account, you will be redirected to https://che.openshift.io/dashboard
3) Create A New Workspace
Enter workspace details.
Name = my-php-workspace
Stack = PHP
Project = (none)
Plugins = (none)
Click Create button.
4) Create New Project
Since we did not specify any project in the previous step, we are required to do so now.
4.1) Select PHP Composer option.
4.2) Specify FuelPHP package
Package name= fuel/fuel
4.3) Wait until the process is completed.
It will take some time for the system to generate FuelPHP project based on composer package name.
5) Run Project
5.1) Run Apache
Find the run button.
Click and select Start Apache.
5.2) Browse the view URL
Find the view url in the console under the start apache tab.
6) Debug
The page may be having a problem when it is viewed in the browser e.g. mixed content request.
In the above example, the css content was requested via insecure connection.
We can enforce the FuelPHP to use a base url .
Edit ./fuel/app/config/config.php
'base_url' => 'https://route3v3uiast-razicommy-che.9a6d.starter-us-east-1a.openshiftapps.com/phpcom/public/',
Mixed content error is solved now.
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