Friday, January 29, 2016

How To Install OctoberCMS On Hostinger Site

How To Install OctoberCMS On Hostinger Site

1) Download OctoberCMS installer file.

2) Upload to Hostinger.

2.1) Upload

2.2) Unzip

2.3) Rename the folder.

Rename the install-master folder into your preferred name, e.g october.

2.3) Apply chmod

3) Browse installer page.

3.1) Browse the installer URL.
Make sure that your server fulfills the requirement.
(If your hostinger site runs lower version of PHP, follow this tutorial to change the version).
Click Agree & Continue button.

4) Select Database Type

5) Specify Admin Password

6) Select a Theme.

7) Test

7.1) Front End

7.2) Back End



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