Thursday, November 7, 2013



1) Introduction
2) HTTPD Include Directive
3) HTTPD Alias Directive

1) Introduction

1.2) It is recommended that you use Notepad++ as default text editor for faster and efficient text search and edit.

2) HTTPD Include Directive

2.1) A left-click on Config button for Apache will bring about Apache Context Menu.
2.2) Notice that there are three httpd-related files. How are they related?
Click on the first httpd.conf file to view it in Notepad++
2.3) If you search for “httpd-xampp” you will be brought to line no. 452
2.4) If you search for “httpd-ssl” you will be brought to line no. 486
2.5) Now, we see that the httpd.conf is linked to other httpd-related files via the keyword “Include” followed by the corresponding physical file path.
2.6) Take note that the httpd-related files are stored in the “{apache_home}/conf/extra/” folder.
2.7) Another interesting file to look for is httpd-vhosts.conf.
The include statement to this file can be found on line no. 473 of httpd.conf file.

3) HTTPD Alias Directive

 3.1) Open the httpd-xampp.conf file and go to line no.99 to get the following part:
3.2) The Alias directives are used to map between URLs and filesystem paths.
This allows for content which is not directly under the document root to be served as a part of web document tree. (refer

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